Bring 2 pieces of official ID and original receipt (proof of purchase), with your bike and we will give you an evaluation on selling us the bicycle. The brand name and the condition of the bike, as well as the time of year and demand for a particular type of bike will influence the Credit, amount you can receive. We do NOT buy bikes for cash!
Clean and repair your bike before bringing it in to the shop and you will get better dollar value for it.
We look at straightness of both wheels, the rear being worth more, as well as aluminium or steel and the amount of rust, as well as seeing how well the bottom crank works and the adjustments available in the seat post.
Other areas are brake type and condition as well as the shifters and original paint. Thinking of painting your bike? DON’T!
The value will drop significantly.
You can also use the used bike as partial payment towards a bike that we have in stock. It’s a great way to up-grade .
Parts can also be brought in so look through all the project boxes in the basement and garage . Clean them out and bring them in. Better they rust away in our basement!
Bring in your used bike, 2 pieces of official ID, and original receipt (proof of purchase) as partial payment in getting a better bicycle. You will get a better value on a trade up than on a CASH sale. This is the way we get most of our less expensive bikes for resale. Get that balcony bike, the one that has been sitting there for 2 years and no one has been riding, down to us and trade it up to a better set of wheels. This is a great way to get to the ride of your dreams.
You may have a number of old Junkers in the back yard. Bring them in and help us recycle. It might be junk to you but we may be able to put life back into that old set of rusty wheels so some one else will ride it for miles (km).
We also take donations of old bikes and make sure that they end up in the hands of someone that can really use the help.
Ask around this does happen here.
Call us and we will make arrangements to pick up bicycles to be donated.
Any bike valued over $249.00 gets you into our upgrade program. This price was picked as bikes of this price are of a minimum level of quality and last for years. This program is our way of letting you get into a high end bike in small easy steps.
Bring back a bike you have previously purchased from us here with the store receipt, and as long as you have not damaged the bike (hit a bus), and its clean and in good working order (there may be a reduction in value to cover wear and tear if evident) we will give you full value in store credit towards the purchase of a better bike when doubling up on price.
Try and find another bike shop that will offer you a great deal like that. We are biking people and want to help where we can. This will allow you to take the time and financial little steps to get the ultimate bike ride of your dreams. Come back and visit us months after you have bought your first bike and with that little bit of cash that you saved over the summer put it towards a high end ride. Or spread the steps over to next summer.
Try it, it works.